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Past tense: Imperfect

German has two main past tenses: Perfect tense and imperfect tense. The imperfect has also the name preterite. In A1 you will learn only a bunch of verbs in imperfect. The first ones are “haben” and “sein”.


Ich hatte
Du hattest
Er/Sie/Es hatte
Wir hatten
Ihr hattet
Sie hatten


Ich war
Du warst
Er/Sie/Es war
Wir waren
Ihr wart
Sie waren

You can now say many great things in the past. The word positions stay the same.

Hattest du gestern Spaß? Did you have fun yesterday?
Ich war krank. I was sick.
Stefan und Marie hatten Urlaub. Stefan and Marie had vacation.

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Time adverbs

The following adverbs will make your sentences more natural (not only in past, but also in present tense statements).

nie/niemals — never
selten — rarely
manchmal — sometimes
häufig/oft — often
immer — always

Example dialogue:
A: Warst du schon mal in New York? Have you ever been in New York? 
B: Nein, ich war noch nie in New York. No, I never have been in New York.

Go German 2022. All Rights reserved. 

Anna Ambatielou, Dresden

E-Mail: los_sprachschule@yahoo.com
Website: go-german.online

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