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Imperfect tense

= Präteritum = plain past

You have learned already a bunch of verbs in plain past: hatte, war, gab, konnte, musste, wollte, durfte and maybe some more. Now we will learn other verbs in plain past. For that we need (again) categories in order to make things a bit easier. 

Weak verbs = Schwache Verben

Take a verb –> cut of the ending –> add the ending according to the personal pronoun: -te, -test, -te, -ten, -tet, -ten

kaufen –> kauf –> Er kaufte ein Geschenk. He bought a present.

Strong verbs = Starke Verben

They are a bit more complex, because their middle part change also.

gehen –> Er ging nach Hause. He went home. 

More strong verbs here >>


 Mixed verbs = Gemischte Verben

Those verbs have a change in the middle but also the ending like weak verbs.

wissen –> Er wusste nicht, wann das Meeting ist. He did not know, when the meeting is.


This was the end of our A2 grammar course!! Congrats!!
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Go German 2022. All Rights reserved. 

Anna Ambatielou, Dresden

E-Mail: los_sprachschule@yahoo.com
Website: go-german.online

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